Author Topic: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)  (Read 876195 times)


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1755 on: November 19, 2018, 04:46:31 PM »
Do any of these strike a chord, Pen.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 09:05:04 PM by Ozzyjack »
Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1756 on: November 20, 2018, 12:32:34 AM »
Hi Jack
I'm very very happy as I am no longer working til 7.30 so it's just a normal monday hurrah :)  I loved the cartoons even though they are no longer relevant :laugh:
Yonks is quite a long time!  It is, as you say, as precise as the length of a piece of string!
I'm working on the X-ray desk in the fracture clinic as happy as a pig in muck!  Do you have an Aussie equivalent to that expression?

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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1757 on: November 20, 2018, 09:18:04 AM »
I'm working on the X-ray desk in the fracture clinic as happy as a pig in muck!  Do you have an Aussie equivalent to that expression?

I think you are teasing me, Pen, but I will answer it, in a manner which the late Mary Whitehouse could not complain about, as though it is an innocent question.  :D

The polite people (I still know some ) say as happy as a pig in mud.  The more usual expression is as happy as a pig in excrement.   Well, that’s not quite correct because the people who use this expression don’t seem to know what excrement means and so they use a four-letter synonym instead.

Mary Whitehouse would not have approved of this  >:D

Maybe this might be what caused the downtime on Chihuahua this morning (my time)

Hope the day improves!
« Last Edit: November 20, 2018, 09:42:33 AM by Ozzyjack »
Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1758 on: November 20, 2018, 10:48:37 PM »
G'day Jack,

Have you noticed in recent weeks how dramatically Penny's game scores have been consistently improving? ( i'm starting to struggle to keep up with her ! )
I put it down to the great daily banter that you pair have going on.
I think that the way that you encourage her self confidence & very subtly challenge her to " exercise her grey cells " by posting cartoons etc.. may well be the reason.

What do you reckon Pen, am i out of line here or do you feel that the witty exchanges between you & Jack are indeed bringing you out of your shell & have you at the top of your game?

Jack, i must thank you once again for that very poignant birthday card.

At about 4am this morning Barry's oxygen levels fell to a dangerously low level.
They had to call in the rapid response team & they were able to get him through it.
He has been in the C.C.U. ( critical care unit ) ever since & was still there when i left late this afternoon.
His heart is pumping at about at about 50%, one kidney has shut down completely & the other is barely functioning.
All options of any sort of surgery have been totally ruled as his heart is just to weak.
So now they are going " old school " & simply concentrating on reducing his blood pressure which in theory should improve his kidney function which in turn will relieve the pressure on his heart.
Of course all of his loved ones were notified & by midday there so many of us there that we took total control of ward 3E at the hospital as we played tag with each other because only two visitors were allowed at the one time in the C.C.C.U.

Late in the afternoon i invited everyone back to my place but for various reasons there were only a few that could accept & that was big sister ( Diane ) her hubby ( John ) their three daughters & their kids , the youngest of which is about sixteen.
So when John rounded up the tribe to go & get some take - away , leaving myself & Diane alone, i hestistantly showed her Jack's birthday post as i was not to sure how she would react.
Within seconds, she was bawling like a baby & demanding to know who is this Jack character, i want to meet him so that i can give him a big hug.
It took me quite some time to explain that we were simply on the forum of a word game.
She finally understood as i showed her several other posts that had been exchanged between Jack & myself but be assurred Jack, although she may not be on this site,  you definitely have a new fan.

Thanks Mate.



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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1759 on: November 21, 2018, 12:19:08 AM »
G'day Les
I'm not sure why my scores have been improving.  I'm still quite hit & miss & it also depends on the combination of letters!  I do very much appreciate Jack's words of encouragement & our witty exchanges.  I very rarely get past you & I'm normally somewhere in the middle of the table.  My friend & colleague Xraydon is much better than me :)  If I equal or beat her then I consider that a real achievement!  It only happens once in a blue moon :laugh:
I very much enjoyed your story of the bike for your birthday.
I was very sad to read that Barry's deteriorated.  I hope they can reduce his blood pressure & improve his kidney function & relieve the pressure on his heart.
Take care
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  • Eulexic
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1760 on: November 21, 2018, 12:48:55 AM »
G'day Les,

You have given me a lot to respond to.   I will address them in the same order as you raised them.

I hadn’t noticed that Penny's game scores have been consistently improving although I had noticed that on occasion I have not been able to match her.  I just assumed this had always been the case.  I generally only notice other people’s scores if occasionally  I get close to catching them.

You are right that frequent challenges that are successfully met increases self confidence and self esteem.  But I didn’t deliberately start this to increase Pen’s. In fact, I think I think it was Pen that started a lot of the challenges and she has generally bested me in the quality of relevant cartoons she has posted.

I will admit to one initiative to increase Pen’s self-esteem.  I have been a student of improving my golf game by trying to improve my mental approach.  All of the psychology gurus point to negative self-talk as being the major factor that limits efforts to improve your game.  It doen’t only apply to golf and I have been encouraging Pen to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk.  It was always obvious that Pen had a great deal more ability than she gave herself credit for.

But we must stop talking about Pen, she might be listening.  :D

I am glad you liked the birthday card. Although I was raised as religious person, I have long fallen by the wayside but accept there a lot of truths in the Bible (as well as lot I can no longer accept).  One that sticks with me. ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’.  What  I said came from the heart and I got a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from doing it. I believe though that apart from knowing I cared, it was important to ensure others were aware of your birthday so that they could demonstrate how many friends you have on the forum.  That is why I went early and hammered the date.  There were a few that were absent but they may have been confused about when to post because of the time differences.

Barry’s condition does still sound precarious.  While there’s life there is hope and that is something to cling to but you have also to prepare yourself in case the worst happens.  Either way you cannot help Barry by not looking after your own health.

Tell Diane that we may well meet one day and that I would be honored to accept and to return a big hug.

Stay strong, Mate, I know it is not easy.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 06:34:07 AM by Ozzyjack »
Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1761 on: November 21, 2018, 12:56:21 AM »

I think you are teasing me, Pen, but I will answer it, in a manner which the late Mary Whitehouse could not complain about, as though it is an innocent question.  :D

The polite people (I still know some ) say as happy as a pig in mud.  The more usual expression is as happy as a pig in excrement.   Well, that’s not quite correct because the people who use this expression don’t seem to know what excrement means and so they use a four-letter synonym instead.

Mary Whitehouse would not have approved of this  >:D

Maybe this might be what caused the downtime on Chihuahua this morning (my time)

Teasing you Jack?  Moi?! As if >:D
I was going to say as happy as a pig in shit but thought I'd be polite & not lower the tone too much :laugh: My sister always says SH1T.  No idea why!
Mary Whitehouse would most definitely not approve of the video ;D  Don't think she approved of very much to be perfectly honest.
I sat down after dinner last night at about 7.30 & tried to log in without success.  I checked my broadband speed whilst cursing BT.  Then I realised that it was just Chi that had the problem.  After about 30 minutes I managed to sign in but had no scores or Forum.  Better than nothing I reckon.
I couldn't come up with a cartoon to match yours so I'm giving you a little bit of Roy & Moss.
IT Crowd
Hope you're enjoying some lovely warm sunny weather.  It's turned very cold here.  Proper brass monkey weather :laugh:

If life gives you lemons, add a large gin & some tonic...


  • Eulexic
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1762 on: November 21, 2018, 01:19:37 AM »
I am most definitely listening to you both.... >:D
back to the coal face now...x
If life gives you lemons, add a large gin & some tonic...


  • Eulexic
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1763 on: November 21, 2018, 09:25:05 PM »
Hi Pen, I'll address some things from recent posts.

I am most definitely listening to you both.... >:D

Technically speaking, Pen, listening in on the forum is not eavesdropping but if you want to eavesdrop at work, here's a tip.

I couldn't come up with a cartoon to match yours so I'm giving you a little bit of Roy & Moss.

This show was on in Australia a number of years ago but I missed it. It must have been on a commercial Channel (I hate ads).  But your sketch has motivated me to search out some episodes.

Proper brass monkey weather

Do you know the origin of "freeze the balls off a brass Monkey", Pen.  I heard it many years ago and it was so different from what I expected.

The story goes that cannonballs used to be stored aboard ship in piles, on a brass frame or tray called a 'monkey'. In very cold weather the brass would contract, spilling the cannonballs: hence very cold weather is 'cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey'.

I'll leave you with a receptionist cartoon

I'm off to Sydney at 6am tomorrow morning (7 pm tonight your time)

« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 09:28:00 PM by Ozzyjack »
Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1764 on: November 21, 2018, 09:37:47 PM »
" Barry’s condition does still sound precarious.  While there’s life there is hope and that is something to cling to but you have also to prepare yourself in case the worst happens."

Barry has taken care of preparing us for the worst.

You have to understand that he has been slowly debilitated by a combination of multiple conditions over the last 18 months, all of which he has fought like a trojan.
He has endured endless pain, great difficulty in performing simple tasks which he insisted that he be allowed to do unassisted then emormous frustation when he just could not manage it.
The medications that were necessary to contain one issue would only inflame another.
He was in a never ending " catch 22 " cycle.

So the loop continued, have an episode in the middle of the night, rush to emergency & be admiited, stabilised after a couple of weeks & sent home then a couple of months later another episode & another re - admission.
It has been very difficult to communicate clearly with him over the last few days due his mumbled speech which is difficult to hear through the oxygen mask not to mention his random outbursts of dilirium.
So nobody could understand when he started pulling out his drips & ripping off his oxygen mask & every other contraption that they had him hooked upto, we just put it down to the delirium.

After a decent nights sleep, with a more intense oxygen feed in the C.C.U. this morning he was very lucid as he asked to see family members individually.
We were all very shocked when the nurses told us that he had begun refusing to take any medication or allow any treatment.
He told us all the same thing, that he loved us & wanted to say a last goodbye.
Let me end this, i just want to go,  get me out of this endless loop, i just can't do this anymore.
The family had already agreed with Barry's request for a D.N.R. ( do not revive ) if his heart failed completely.
So we all agreed that we should comply with his wishes, of course the doctors were involved with discussions with us & agreed that due to his multiple issues, all they could do was possibly keep him " alive " for an indefinite period & they had several interviews with Barry to ensure that he was of sound mind before agreeing to stop his treatment so he is currently on morphine as required to ensure that he is not in any pain.

Along with the rest of us, Barry endured watching our Mother die, virtually as a vegetable.
I would like to think that part of my heroe's decision was selflessly made to spare us from going through the same thing with him.

Personally ( and i don't give a shit what anybody thinks about this comment ) i was grateful.
The fact that i know that he wanted to go & was ready to go as opposed to still fighting, struggling to survive & clinging onto life gives me some comfort.

So for me, Barry is in fact already dead which, if this makes any sense will make it easier for me to cope with & stay strong for the family when it is made official, they cannot say if that will be tonight or within a few days but whenever it is i will cope so much better knowing that he actually wanted to go.


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1765 on: November 21, 2018, 10:12:28 PM »
Les, if we were there with you we would give you a hug because, unfortunately, nothing we can say will help.  If you want to talk more about it we are here to listen.  If you don't, that's OK too.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 10:15:57 PM by Ozzyjack »
Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1766 on: November 21, 2018, 10:53:15 PM »
I have sent you a private message.
Some things I just couldn't say in an open forum.
My thoughts are with you and your family,
Redlands , Queensland, Australia


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1767 on: November 21, 2018, 11:59:14 PM »
Jack is sadly right Les.  There is nothing we can say to make you feel any better.  A big hug from me too.
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1768 on: November 22, 2018, 10:33:00 PM »
Hi Pen,

I am not as knacked after golf as I expected to be.  One reason might be that I have a theory that you only get tired on a golf course if you are playing bad golf.  You don't notice how tired you are when you are scoring well.  After a month of playing badly I turned things around and started playing marginally better.  It may be that on talking about positive self-talk with you, I  started to follow my own advice. ;)

At Highlands on Wednesdays, they have a nearest the pin competition on the 18th hole.  Everybody in the competition has to put in $1 and the person at the end of the day who gets their tee shot closest to the pin takes the pool.  I haven't hit the green let alone get close to pin for months but yesterday I won $40 by getting within 2 feet of the pin.  Today, I didn't get among the prizes but I did play to my handicap.

Do you treat people at the clinic like this, Pen?

Keep those little grey cells lubricated, Pen
Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #1769 on: November 23, 2018, 01:52:27 AM »
Hi Jack
I'm so pleased to read that your game is improving gradually.  If I get a bit down or negative I have a friend who always says PMA Pen.  Positive Mental Attitude as I'm sure you know!
That's a great result winning £40 in the nearest the pin competition.  Not only are the drinks on you but it does wonders for your self confidence :)
The cartoon is funny :laugh: We try to treat our patients with kindness, care respect.  Sometimes are patience is tried to the limit.
Can't wait to get home later & have dinner & lubricate my little grey cells.  The weekend starts then!
I have attached a couple of cartoons simply because they tickled me :laugh:
If life gives you lemons, add a large gin & some tonic...