Author Topic: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)  (Read 866036 times)


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11460 on: September 07, 2024, 11:53:11 AM »

Today's offering is a character from a 19th century novel. 
A bonus point for the novel and author (that'll challenge you  :laugh:  >:D) and a super bonus point if you can tell me the occupation of the author's father.

Hi Pen,

 I cannot work out the relevance of the first picture, so I am only half sure I have the right answer.

Because I am aware of the sensibilities of those who are annoyed at people who give away clues to the answers, I will pass on the bonus points but I will have a crack at describing your character and earning the super bonus point.

 She is a rational thinker, who restrains her emotions, even when she suffers great hardship. She is polite and always tries to say the right thing when around company. She often has to correct or apologize to people for her sister,  who is less concerned with manners and propriety. She is in love with a guy but tries to ignore or put aside these feelings for much of the novel, as she believes him to be taken by another woman. At the end of the novel, she finally lets some of her emotions out: when the guy tells her that he has not married the other woman, she bursts out into tears. After marrying the guy, she  settles down into a comfortable, happy life.  Presumably, they live happily ever after.

I believe the Author’s father was an Anglican clergyman, who raised his family in his parsonage. Like his wife, Cassandra, he was descended from landed gentry that had become involved in manufacturing with the coming of the Industrial Revolution. He supplemented his income as a rector with farming and with tutoring boys who boarded with the family. The family was associated with the Tories and maintained a sympathy for the Stuart succession rather than the Hanoverian.  I think you used the residence in one of your rebuses back in the dim distant past.

Speaking of memory, I ought to tell you why I am so serious about learning a language.  I am conscious of the fact that I am not as sharp as I used to think I was.  I recently read this
The theory that learning a second language can help ward off or delay dementia is rooted in the concept of cognitive reserve. Cognitive reserve refers to the brain’s ability to improvise and find alternative ways of getting a job done. Bilingualism is believed to enhance this reserve because it involves constant mental juggling between two languages, which strengthens the brain’s executive control system. This system is responsible for higher-level cognitive functions such as problem-solving, multitasking, and focusing attention.

Research has shown that bilingual individuals tend to experience the onset of dementia symptoms later than monolingual individuals. For instance, a study by York University found that bilingualism can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms by several years. The mental exercise involved in using multiple languages is thought to build up a reserve of neural connections, making the brain more resilient to the damage caused by dementia. However, it’s important to note that while bilingualism may delay the onset of symptoms, it does not prevent the disease itself.

I have had a number of friends and acquaintances who have had dementia or been suspected as having early onset dementia.  So I decided it couldn’t hurt to take out a bit of insurance.

Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11461 on: September 07, 2024, 11:44:11 PM »

 I cannot work out the relevance of the first picture, so I am only half sure I have the right answer.

Because I am aware of the sensibilities of those who are annoyed at people who give away clues to the answers, I will pass on the bonus points but I will have a crack at describing your character and earning the super bonus point.

 She is a rational thinker, who restrains her emotions, even when she suffers great hardship.

I believe the Author’s father was an Anglican clergyman, who raised his family in his parsonage.

Speaking of memory, I ought to tell you why I am so serious about learning a language.

The theory that learning a second language can help ward off or delay dementia is rooted in the concept of cognitive reserve. 

I have had a number of friends and acquaintances who have had dementia or been suspected as having early onset dementia.  So I decided it couldn’t hurt to take out a bit of insurance.

Hi Jack

It's a bit hot, sticky and very humid here today  :(   Zoe and I have been out for a walk but we didn't enjoy it that much!

I'm very happy to award a couple of super bonus points ;)  An extra one for all the additional information.

Would it help if I told you that picture one has eight letters and ends in k?  I could have used this picture instead...

I think the idea of learning a second language to help keep your brain active is a brilliant idea. I used to work with a lady who had early onset dementia in her 50's.  So very sad. Dementia is one of my biggest dreads.  I couldn't remember the name of an actor on the telly the other night.  Nearly drove myself bonkers trying to remember. It's scary that things that used to just pop into my head seem to take an age to get there now.  Perhaps I ought to consider giving it a go. Learn a bit of Italian for when George Clooney sweeps me off to his villa by Lake Como.  :laugh:

As I live alone I talk to myself all the time. At least I'm always guaranteed the right answer to the question.  >:D Never a truer word spoken in jest - I did actually tell myself off recently for not paying attention!!  I though Pickles was priceless  :laugh:

I'm off to the Crooked Billet tonight with Barbs.  I've viewed the menu and am dreaming of a fillet steak.  A rare and proper treat for me!  I don't mean I want the steak rare - I prefer medium!

That's all from me today.  I'll see what tricky little rebus I can cook up for you tomorrow  >:D
« Last Edit: September 07, 2024, 11:48:19 PM by Hobbit »
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11462 on: September 08, 2024, 07:19:37 PM »
I've viewed the menu and am dreaming of a fillet steak.

At last, something we don't agree on, Pen.  Not for me, whether rare, medium or well done.  Would rather continue my quest to rid the world of chickens!!  >:D


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11463 on: September 08, 2024, 08:38:03 PM »

At last, something we don't agree on, Pen.  Not for me, whether rare, medium or well done.  Would rather continue my quest to rid the world of chickens!!  >:D

Heavens to Murgatroyd Linda  :o   Might have to go and have a lie down  :laugh:  Sadly my dream didn't come true.  When we got to the pub it was rammed - inside and out  :(  The queue to get to the bar and get shown to the table was out the door.  I pushed my way through the throng and told the bar staff that although I'd booked a table we weren't staying. Very disappointed but happy to see my Mum and Dad's old pub thriving.  We came back to Bletch and went to Pasha.  We both had chicken and lamb mixed shish and it was scrummy. We both enjoyed it.  We're terrors when we go out to eat!  We tend to order the same thing to avoid food envy   >:D

We've got thunder and lightning - started at about 4.30 am  :(  I'm resisting the urge to get in the cupboard under the stairs  :laugh:
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11464 on: September 08, 2024, 09:35:21 PM »
Hi Jack

You'll see from my post above that last night didn't quite work out how we expected.  We still enjoyed ourselves - it just wasn't what we'd planned.

My rebus today is a book published in the 1970's.  Written by a prolific British author.

9 (#4 + #5) #2 #9

Can you remember the name of the TV series in picture two?  Second word and lose the first two and last letters. Please also lose the last two letters of picture four.  One homophone and we're all on one line.  Happy to award a bonus point if you can name the author.


Whoever came up with naming birds really missed a trick by not calling a baby pigeon a smidgen.

That's all from me.  I've got an egg and tomato sarnie with my name on it  :-H

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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11465 on: September 08, 2024, 10:59:21 PM »
Would it help if I told you that picture one has eight letters and ends in k?  I could have used this picture instead...

Hi Pen,

The picture and the additional letter count would have helped, particularly if I realised they spelt it with 8 letters in Bletchley.  >:D The original picture was of Pirámide de Mayo in Buenos Aires which is arguably one of those things you used in your clue but is mainly described as a statue.  Your latest picture is clearly known as the ******k of Theodosius in Istanbul. However, as one little known playwright once said "All's well that ends well"

That was written this morning.  I was going to add to it this afternoon but got bogged down in other chores.  I’ll add a pickles and post this and get back to your latest post after I have had  a long nap.

Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11466 on: September 09, 2024, 02:29:03 AM »

My rebus today is a book published in the 1970's.  Written by a prolific British author.

Hallo Pen,
Wie geht’s? Nun, ich habe gerade mit meinem Kaktus gesprochen und er meinte, ich sollte mich nicht beschweren. 😄
Aber im Ernst, mir geht’s gut! Und bei dir?

A very good rebus about a book that had mixed reviews, mostly bad.

Maurice Richardson in The Observer (13 September 1970) began, "Her eightieth book and [al]though not her best very far from her worst." He concluded: "At moments one wonders whether the old dear knows the difference between a hippie and a skinhead but she is still marvellously entertaining. I shall expect her to turn permissive for her eighty-firster."

Robert Barnard said of this spy novel that it was "The last of the thrillers, and one that slides from the unlikely to the inconceivable and finally lands up in incomprehensible muddle. Prizes should be offered to readers who can explain the ending. Concerns the youth uproar of the 'sixties, drugs, a new Aryan superman and so on, subjects of which [the author's grasp was, to say the least, uncertain (she seems to have the oddest idea of what the term 'Third World' means, for example). Collins insisted she subtitle the book 'An Extravaganza.' One can think of other descriptions."

I hate to disagree with Linda about anything but I had a couple of eye filet toasted sandwiches with a bottle of my favourite red last night and it was absolutely bloody marvellous.

Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11467 on: September 09, 2024, 05:09:12 AM »

Wie geht’s? Nun, ich habe gerade mit meinem Kaktus gesprochen und er meinte, ich sollte mich nicht beschweren. 😄
Aber im Ernst, mir geht’s gut! Und bei dir?

A very good rebus about a book that had mixed reviews, mostly bad.

Guten Arben Jack (or Guten Morgan!)

Danke - es geht mir gut :)  and I'm afraid that's about as far as I go  :laugh: Helfen sie mir bitte. Can I have a translation of the rest please?

Ever wish you hadn't tried to be a clever dick?  :laugh:  >:D

You are of course spot on with the rebus.  A bonus point winging it's way to you.

Both Pickles properly tickled me :laugh:  They never disappoint!

I'm going to watch a bit of toot telly and enjoy a glass of pink muck (rather good pink muck from your neighbours!) safe in the knowledge that I haven't got to get up in the morning  ;)

« Last Edit: September 09, 2024, 05:11:38 AM by Hobbit »
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11468 on: September 09, 2024, 09:57:56 AM »
Danke - es geht mir gut :)  and I'm afraid that's about as far as I go  :laugh: Helfen sie mir bitte. Can I have a translation of the rest please?

Hi Pen,

It was just a bit of nonsense.

How are you? Well, I just talked to my cactus and he said I shouldn't complain. 😄
But seriously, I'm fine! And with you?

Regards, Jack


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11469 on: September 09, 2024, 05:59:12 PM »
I hate to disagree with Linda about anything but I had a couple of eye filet toasted sandwiches

Oh please, I haven't even had my breakfast yet, Jack!  Not that I eat breakfast but if I did then I wouldn't feel like eating it after the thought of your toasted sandwiches but I'm glad you enjoyed them and I'm sure the bottle of red helped.

I've been toying with the idea of learning Italian so watch this space .... Ciao!  >:D


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11470 on: September 10, 2024, 03:53:20 AM »
Not that I eat breakfast

I've been toying with the idea of learning Italian so watch this space .... Ciao!  >:D

Oh Linda I'm very surprised!  Didn't your Mum tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? :laugh:  Mine wouldn't let me leave the house until I'd eaten something!

I'd love to learn Italian.  Please keep me posted  :)
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11471 on: September 10, 2024, 04:03:37 AM »

It was just a bit of nonsense.

How are you? Well, I just talked to my cactus and he said I shouldn't complain. 😄
But seriously, I'm fine! And with you?

Hi Jack

It might have been nonsense but it tickled me  :laugh:

I've had a lovely busyish day.  Made some shepherds pies (or should that be cottage pie as I used minced beef? please don't tell Linda  :laugh:  >:D)  I did a bit of shopping and went for a walk and then spent an enjoyable hour with my neighbour Jan and Lucki.  We had a cup of biscuit tea!

See you tomorrow  :)
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11472 on: September 10, 2024, 06:50:54 PM »
Pen, I think you misunderstood me!  I will happily eat anything mince based - moussaka, lasagne, cottage pie - but don't like steak.  I don't care for any 'lumps' of meat.  Hate chops and don't like lamb.  So please don't be deterred from making me a delicious mince concoction if the thought ever occurs to you!

As for breakfast, if someone were to present me with a full English around 9.30 a.m. I would wolf it down!  Just don't tend to fancy anything to eat when I first get up. Black coffee is all I require.  I am a woman of simple needs!!  >:D


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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11473 on: September 10, 2024, 08:39:45 PM »
Pen, I think you misunderstood me!  I will happily eat anything mince based - moussaka, lasagne, cottage pie - but don't like steak.  I don't care for any 'lumps' of meat.  Hate chops and don't like lamb.  So please don't be deterred from making me a delicious mince concoction if the thought ever occurs to you!

As for breakfast, if someone were to present me with a full English around 9.30 a.m. I would wolf it down!  Just don't tend to fancy anything to eat when I first get up. Black coffee is all I require.  I am a woman of simple needs!!  >:D

Sorry Linda I'm a numpty  :laugh:  You have said that before and I'd forgotten  :-R

One of the things I enjoyed when I was away was a full English breakfast  :-H  I just have cereal and a banana when I'm at home.  Boring but easy!

Just had a mosey round M&S.  Treated myself to a millionaire yumnut  >:D Haven't had one for years.  My teeth are probably already packing their bags as we speak  :laugh:

Is hubby aware that you're a woman of simple needs?   :laugh:  >:D

Are you off to deal with the strange lady and the farmery farmers this afternoon? (hope I got that right!  It is Tuesdays you go in isn't it?) 
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Re: More or Les (was Bloody Plurals)
« Reply #11474 on: September 10, 2024, 09:48:07 PM »
Hi Jack

I've been out and about this morning as it's going to bucket down with rain all afternoon  :(  It's turned very Autumny here in the last few days.

My puzzle today is a  film I love and have watched many times.

#1 #6 #2 #4 #3 #5

Please use the middle letter of picture one.  I'm no longer allowed to refer to the gent in picture two as a batsman  :-R  What must I call him now? Please change the first letter to one nearer the middle of the alphabet.  You need two consecutive letters from picture three and please re-arrange the letters of picture four. Please lose the first letter of picture five and change the first letter of the surname of the gent in picture six.  We're all on one line.

For your super bonus point today can you tell me what connects the film with this...


That's it from me.  Need to grab my washing off the line and I've got a chicken sarnie with my name on it  :-H

« Last Edit: September 10, 2024, 09:49:38 PM by Hobbit »
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